
Showing posts from June, 2023

Leipzig Student Life

  Leipzig Student Life As an Erasmus student from the U.S., my journey to Leipzig was a chance to immerse myself in a vibrant student life. From the bustling streets filled with cultural events to the unique academic system, Leipzig offered a whole new world of experiences for me to embrace. One of the first things I noticed about student life in Leipzig was the level of independence expected from students. Unlike the structured academic environment in the U.S., where grades are often determined by a combination of homework, assignments, and exams throughout the semester, the German system places heavy emphasis on a final exam that determines the entire grade. This meant that I had to be self-motivated and disciplined in managing my time effectively to prepare for the exams. At first, this change seemed daunting, but it quickly became a positive experience. The freedom to structure my own study schedule allowed me to follow my own pace, and when well managed gave me more opportunities

A Tale of Two Transit Systems

   A Tale of Two Transit Systems: Leipzig, Germany vs. the U.S.A. One aspect that stands out above all is the stark contrast between the public transportation systems in Leipzig and the U.S.A. In this blog post, I will delve into my personal experiences and highlight why life in Leipzig has been significantly easier and more enjoyable, all thanks to the city's well-planned and efficient transportation network. Just like most European cities, public transportation in Leipzig has been deeply thought about and built delicately throughout the city. It provides travelers with efficient and simple transport which intensely reduces any need of a personal car. Trams, buses, and metros provide transportation within the city and the S-Bahn, U-bahn, and Trains are usually more practical for inter-city travel.  Excluding some major cities, in the U.S. the main form of transportation is a car. Living in Leipzig has truly opened up my understanding to all the benefits of public transport. Below