Döner Kebap in Germany


Döner Kebap in Germany

As someone who grew up in Turkey, I have always been a big fan of Döner Kebap. However, when I visited Germany for the first time, I was curious to see how the Döner here compares to my home country.

To understand the history of Döner Kebap in Germany, we need to go back to the 1960s. At the time, Germany was experiencing a labor shortage, and the government signed agreements with Turkey and other countries to bring in "guest workers" to fill the gap. Many of these workers brought their families and settled in Germany, and with them came their culture and cuisine.

One of the most popular dishes was Döner Kebap, which originated in Turkey in the 19th century. It was originally made with lamb, but in Germany, it's more commonly made with beef or chicken. The meat is marinated in spices and cooked on a vertical spit, which rotates and allows the meat to cook evenly.

The first Döner Kebap shop in Germany opened in Berlin in 1971, and the dish quickly gained popularity. Today, there are thousands of Döner shops throughout Germany, and it's become a staple of fast food cuisine.

I visited many Döner shops in Leipzig and was surprised by how different the taste was. While the meat in Turkey is usually more flavorful and juicy, the meat in Germany seemed to be more bland and dry. The bread was also different. Here, it was fluffier and softer, while in Turkey it's usually crispy and hard.

In picture 1 you can see my favorite doner shop that is right around the corner of my flat. I was immediately welcomed by the Turkish hospitality and was not even charged for my first meal. ( It is Turkish custom to take care of each other, especially when away from home.) As can be seen in picture 2 I went for a Döner durum and accompanied it with the traditional Turkish drink - “Ayran”.

 I was impressed by the variety of sauces and vegetables offered in Germany. I tried a sauce called "Knoblauchsauce", which was really tasty. It is a garlicky yogurt sauce that is not usually found in the turkish cuisine and is a result of the fusion with Germany. The vegetables were also fresh and colorful. There were tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and even green peppers.

In my opinion, the key to enjoying Doner Kebap in Germany is to not compare it to the real thing in Turkey. They are two very different experiences, and it's unfair to expect the same quality from both. Instead, embrace the convenience and affordability of Doner Kebap in Germany and appreciate it for what it is - a tasty and satisfying fast food item that's perfect for when you're on the go.

In conclusion, Doner Kebap in Germany is a must-try for anyone visiting the country. It's a unique and delicious fast food item that's perfect for a quick and easy meal. However, if you ever have the opportunity to try Doner Kebap in Turkey, I highly recommend it. The quality of the ingredients and the overall experience is on another level, and it's an experience that should not be missed. Guten Appetit!

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Picture - 2


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